
《Madagascar – A Musical Adventure JR. 馬達加斯加歷險記》













2022年7月24日 (星期日)



形式: Zoom 平台






At the Central Park Zoo, Marty the zebra longs to experience the wild. He learns that the zoo's penguins—Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, and Private—are trying to escape, and he follows them out. Alex the lion, Melman the giraffe, and Gloria the hippopotamus pursue Marty. They converge at Grand Central Station where the animal control officers sedate them using tranquillizer guns. The zoo ships the escaped animals by sea to a Kenyan wildlife preserve. The ship is wrecked and washed up on the shore of Madagascar. Facing the "law of the weak", the animals’ friendship is put to the test...
Madagascar - A Musical Adventure Jr. offers everyone a fantastic and unforgettable journey through exciting scenes, witty and humorous performances by actors and lively songs where you could experience the value of friendship and the importance of never giving up hope.


在中央公園動物園裏,斑馬馬提 (Marty) 按捺不住野心,跟隨動物園的企鵝——隊長 (Skipper)、高華斯基 (Kowalski)、力高 (Rico) 和卒仔 (Private)試圖出走,並與獅子阿力 (Alex)、長頸鹿邁文 (Melman) 和河馬歌莉亞 (Gloria) 匯合。途中遇上保安追捕,坐船卻失事被沖到馬達加斯加岸邊……在島上,面對着「弱肉強食的法則」,彼此的友誼備受考驗…….
Madagascar - A Musical Adventure Jr. 透過一幕幕緊張刺激的情節、一眾演員風趣幽默的演繹和一首首輕鬆活潑的歌曲,帶領大家展開一段既瘋狂又難忘的奇幻的旅程……從中領悟友誼的純真可貴,在患難中亦要永不放棄,勇往直前!





It's Showtime

Wild And Free

Best Friends

Relax, Be Cool, Chill Out

Penguins' Sea Shanty

I Like To Move It

Together Forever





5A    張元曦    Alex (Lion)

4A    葉天睿    Marty (Zebra)

5A    曾立怡    Gloria(Hippo)

5A    盧逸彤    Melman (Giraffe)

3C    鄭穎昕    Mason (Chimpanzee)


5B    羅晉彥    Skipper

3A    李樂程    Kowalski

4C    程芯柔    Private

3B    温茹玥    Rico

1A    李玥希    Pengiun

1A    盧卓萳    Pengiun



3B    黃牧之    Zookeeper Zeke

3C    張芊泳    Zookeeper Zelda

3D    何佩珩    Zookeeper Zoe

1A    池愷翎    Zoo Guest

3A    康紫箏    Zoo Guest

4B    王浠怡    Zoo Guest

3B    池凱霖    Zoo Guest

3A    仇國立    Zookeeper

3A    吳斯雨    Zookeeper


4C    程思雅    Lioness & Foosa

3C    王桓俞    Lioness & Foosa

3D    葉蔓萾    Lioness & Foosa

1A    趙怡晴    Animal & Lemur

1A    周天旭    Animal & Lemur


5B    李彥東    Cameraman

3D    陳采誼    Candy Hammernose

3C    蕭嘉淳    New Yorker

4A    古靄澄    New Yorker

4A    楊紫晴    Newspaper Man

5B    王愷妍    Old Lady

4C    周正昕    Passerby

5B    魏奕華    Police Officer

5D    余  壹    Police Officer

3C    冼君柔    Subway Announcer

5C    文卓譽    Animal Control Officer

5B    陳逸菲    Animal Control Officer


4A    鄭梓妍    Ship's Captain


5C    黃心柔    King Julien

2B    李  悦    Mort & Lynn

2C    陳冠峰    Lew

2C    鍾苡澄    Lee

2C    黎君柔    Lars

2C    梁文港    Maurice

1C    張芯悠    Lemur

1D    張巧盈    Lemur

2C    吳綽蕎    Lemur

2C    楊靖嵐    Lemur


3B    簡子淇    Foosa Leader

1D    張弈思    Foosa

1D    吳博華    Foosa

1D    趙晞悠    Foosa

1D    曾琸嵐    Foosa

2C    鍾寶兒    Foosa

2D    吳琛陶    Foosa

3A    李宜蓁    Foosa

3A    李泓一    Foosa

3D    付星媛    Foosa



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